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Bumble Bee in Cosmos 5204
Eastern Comma 2724
Bumblebee on Cosmo 5241
Spider in Sunset 6026
Mourning Cloak 3954
Weidemyers Admiral 8754
Cicada 5427
Butterfly Quartet
Cabbage White prov 2221
Dragonfly in Big Bend NP
5834 Hawk Moth
Painted Lady 4371
Parnassius and Fritillary on Dandelions
Dragonfly 8227
Dragonfly 6795
Giant Swallowtail 2178
Giant Swallowtail 2730
Giant Swallowtail 2732
Eastern Comma 2943
Giant Swallowtail on Phlox 2756
Common ALpine 3730
Parnassius 9364
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly 2695
Milberts Tortoiseshell 9506
Mantis MG001
Monarch 7922
Fly 5095
Monarch 7962
Monarch 7989
Monarch on Zenia 5933
Giant Bark Aphid 7571
Painted Lady 4329
Fritillary 9621
Red Admiral 6434
Monarch 7900
Red Spotted Purple and Silvery Checkerspot 3436
Rose Garden Bees 3777
Arctic Blue 9513
Monarch 7948
Sulfur 6669
Spider 4
Sulfur 6677
Orb Spider 9355
Tiger Swallowtail 2395
Tiger Swallowtail 2325
Tiger Swallowtail 2523
Red Admiral 6399
Red Admiral 8476
Tiger Swallowtail 2537
Milberts Tortoiseshell and Dandelions
Sulfur 3775
Tiger Swallowtail on Thistle 2815
Twelve Spotted Skimmer 2657
White Lined Sphinx Moth 2873
Tiger Swallowtail 8043
White Lined Sphinx Moth 2902
Tiger Swallowtail 2574
Common Alpine 3703
Tiger Swallowtail 2704
Widow Skimmer 2769
Widow Skimmer 2776
Yellow Crab Spider 8624
Widow Skimmer 2761
Yellow Crab Spider 8626
Tiger Swallowtail 2617
Zabulon Skipper prov 6393
Fritillary and Dandelions
Lady Beetle on Maple Leaf
Arctic Blue 9508
Checkerspot 9312
Checkerspot and Dandelions
Checkerspot in Daisies
Checkered White 2122
Common Alpine 9216
Gorgone Checkerspot
Eastern Black Swallowtail 2125
Darner 6760
Fritillary 6557
Halloween Pennant Skimmer  2447
Painted Ladies 7656
Painted Lady 7382
Widow Skimmer 2656
Widow Skimmer 2778
Widow Skimmer 2716
Bee on a Cosmos 2110
Bee on Rudbeckia 2092
Bee on Verbena
Bee on Rudbeckia 2035
Bordered Patch 5437
Orb Spider 2184
Perl Crescent on Rudbeckia
Skipper 5600
Giant Swallowtrail on Phlox 2747
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